As of macOS 10.15 Catalina, I could no longer use TrueCrypt 7.1a because it does not support 64-bit and Catalina is 64-bit only. Looking for an alternative, I found VeraCrypt, which was forked from TrueCrypt.
Install VeraCrypt
Here’s how I installed VeraCrypt on my macOS 12 Monterey MacBook:
- Install macFUSE (previously known as OSXFUSE). Thankfully, the latest macFUSE 4.2.4 version supports macOS 12 Monterey.
- After the installation completes, you will see this message: ‘System software from developer “Benjamin Fleischer” was blocked from loading.’
- Open System Preferences, Security & Privacy, General tab, unlock the bottom-left “Click the lock to make changes”, and click the Allow button on the bottom-right.
- You will be prompted to restart.
- Install VeraCrypt. (VeraCrypt version 1.25 or later supports macOS 12 Monterey. Version 1.25.7 is the latest.)
Convert TrueCrypt Volume to VeraCrypt
While VeraCrypt does support TrueCrypt volumes, I decided to convert to a VeraCrypt volume to avoid any compatibility issues now or in the future. (There are claims that VeraCrypt cannot open very old TrueCrypt versions.)
To make a clean start, I thought to mount the old TrueCrypt volume file (a.k.a. encrypted file container), create a new VeraCrypt volume file, and then copy from the former to the latter. Unfortunately, I am unable to use TrueCrypt on my macOS 12 Monterey machine.
Thankfully, VeraCrypt as of version 1.0f supports converting TrueCrypt volume files and non-system partitions to VeraCrypt volumes. One can do so by performing one of the following:
- Change Volume Password
- Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm
- Add/Remove key files
- Remove all key files
Because my TrueCrypt volume file does not use key files and I don’t want to change the password, I will use the “Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm” option. This option will also allow me to change to a more secure hash algorithm, from RIPEMD-160 to SHA-512. (Whirlpool is also a good choice for hash algorithm, but SHA-512 is used by the Gubbermint!)
Note: The AES-256 encryption algorithm I used for my TrueCrypt volume file is still good. As long as a strong password (of at least 14 characters) is used, AES-256 is pretty secure. Unfortunately, none of the conversion options above provide a method to change the encryption algorithm.
Here’s how I converted my password-protected TrueCrypt volume file to VeraCrypt:
- Run the VeraCrypt app.
- At the bottom, click on the “Select File…” Button and choose the TrueCrypt volume file.
- Click the “Volume Tools” button (near bottom-right) and choose the “Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm…” option.
The “Set Header Key Derivation Algorithm” dialog will appear:
- Input the password.
- Make sure that the “TrueCrypt Mode” option is checked. (The “TrueCrypt Mode” option is enabled by default because my volume file name uses the TrueCrypt “.tc” file extension.)
- On the bottom “new” section, change “PKCS-5 PRF” from “Unchanged” to “HMAC-SHA-512”. (Doing this will change the hash algorithm.)
- Click the OK button.
The “VeraCrypt – Random Pool Enrichment” dialog will appear:
- Inside the dialog window, drag your mouse around by moving it randomly while holding down the left-click. (Or do a “three finger drag” if you have that configured.)
- Once the “Randomness Collected From Mouse Movements” progress bar is full, click on the Continue button. (Note that clicking the top-left red X icon is the same as clicking Continue. It does not do a cancel.)
- It took less than 30 seconds to convert my 512MB TrueCrypt volume file.
- Change the volume file’s extension from “.tc” to “.hc”. (VeraCrypt’s file extension is “.hc”. When opening “.hc” files, VeraCrypt will not enable the “TrueCrypt Mode” option by default.)
- Select the renamed volume file and click on the bottom-left Mount button.
- Input the password. (The “TrueCrypt Mode” option should not be checked.)
- The volume file will be mounted as a new drive.